Changelog ShadowVR Alpha 3.4.1

Die neue ShadowVR App hat das Oculus Quest 2 Update erhalten!

Das komplette Changelog:

  • Oculus Quest 2 support
  • Vsync implementation
  • Faster switches with desktop alpha apps

Bekannte Bugs:

  • On Oculus Quest 2, in the Shadow VR launcher, Oculus Touch pointers blink permanently.
  • Starting Shadow VR while your Shadow is turned off will result in a session with very poor performances.

Nächste Schritte:

  • Desktop mode (2D) to handle Steam, SteamVR, Windows update and allow for interaction with the Shadow environment within Shadow VR (so as to avoid having to go to a desktop client when stuck).
  • Fix Performance issues when starting Shadow VR from a shut down Shadow
  • Improve late starts GPU & CPU that generate in game lag