Shadow-PC: Red Dead Redemption 2 stürzt ab

Nach dem letzten Patch von Red Dead Redemption 2 treten leider vermehrt Probleme bei der Stabilität auf. Da viele Shadow-PC Nutzer betroffen sind, gibt es hier einen Lösungsansatz. Zirka 15 Minuten Zeitaufwand:

0. You need .NET Core Runtime :

1. Get DepotDownloader: [here]( and extract it into any folder (i named it DepotDownloader).

2. Open a command line (not powershell, just cmd) and write (no quotes) „cd *folder depot Downloader files was extracted to*“ so for instance if you have it in downloads and in a folder you have called DepotDownloader. You’d write „cd Downloads\DepotDownloader“ or just do cd downloads hit enter then cd DepotDownloader and hit enter

3. (Copy and paste with no quotes and fill in your steam sign in user and password in the steam user and steam pass sections) „depotdownloader.bat -app 1174180 -depot 1174184 -manifest 927270803708030361 -username STEAMUSER -password STEAMPASS -validate“

4. It may ask for a verication code sent to your email so put that in

5. Wait until downloads are FINISHED (this can take awhile like 10-30min)

6. Run rdr2 normally until crash

7. Put Steam in offline mode

8. Copy the files you downloaded with DepotDownloader that are now in the Depotdownloader>depot>numbers>more numbers folder into your Red Dead Redemption 2 folder and also the files in the DepotDownload folder in that numbers folder in RDR2.

9. If you get the ACTIVATION Error what you have to do is verify the files, run RDR2 until it crashes, put steam in offline mode and recopy the depot files to rdr2. So if you ever go back online with steam you may have to verify your files and after recopy the downpatch bc rockstar garbage launcher will say you need to authenticate again.

10. I suggest doing is to copy the files in rdr2 folder that are the same as the depot folder into a seperate folder before overwriting them so if you have the activation error again you can just copy the update version files and run RDR2 instead of waiting for steam to verify

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